Monday, April 4, 2011

What's ticking me off about two-part movies

I remember being anxious last November to see Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. I was one of the first in line on opening day, my expectations were hyped, and the movie gave an impressive show. I laughed, I jumped and I might have brushed away the odd tear or two. But just when it was getting good, just when the plot was at its highest peak, just when my eyes were mesmerized with delight at one of the best movies I had seen all year…
The credits rolled. Some guy in the seat behind me said, “Well, guess we wait until July to see Part Two.” Part Two? Oh that’s right, Hollywood’s not completely satisfied with siphoning our wallets just yet. It’s not like seven big movies which have poured billions upon billions of dollars from the box office into Warner Bros’ pockets was enough to say, “We’ve done our job, it’s time to sink our teeth into a new franchise.” While we’re on that subject, I’d like to thank the film studio for giving Summit Entertainment the great idea of having them split Breaking Dawn, the last instalment of the Twilight Saga into two movies. More shirtless werewolves and depressed bloodsuckers, please!
Even Peter Jackson of The Lord of the Rings fame has fallen into this latest film fad by deciding to divide the Middle-earth prequel of The Hobbit into a double feature.
Hollywood, exploiting a franchise’s last chapter is one thing. Digging your fingernails into the rights of these literary pieces is just spelling out the greed in front of our faces.
Who’s to say that some die hard fan didn’t have the money at the time to view Part 1 of one of these cinematic hits, but did at the time of Part 2’s release? It’s not their fault you’re splitting hairs. And what happens when these films hit home video? Don’t think you’re going to make us pay for two films and not get a fight on your hands.  You’re cutting apart plots, characters and entertainment just for the sake of doubling the bucks.
As much as this newfound filming process annoys me, I’ll probably once again be back in the theatre come this summer to check out Part 2. Why? Because a good movie remains a good movie. But it’s not my fault if I can’t remember every detail of events that happened last year.
The only good thing to come out of all this is that the Deathly Hallows will have an eight month intermission. At least in that time span I’ll have plenty of time to use the restroom so I don’t have to leave in the middle of the second act. 

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