Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Green Lantern Review

Another superhero flick for the month; this one I only wish could be as super.

Hal Jordan (Ryan Reynolds) is a test pilot who comes across a dying alien and member of the intergalactic Green Lantern Corp. Charged with succeeding the alien as a Green Lantern, Hal discovers he’s far less alone in the universe than he believed. Now, a force that the Green Lanterns have feared has broken loose, and Hal may be the only one that can stop it.

Let’s make this clear; this is not a bad superhero movie. This is a lame superhero movie. Many of the cast members feel very dry in their delivery and don’t appear to be having fun with their roles. Joined with clunky direction, it just makes for a dull first impression.

Even the movie’s villain, Hector Hammond, is practically wasted. Yeah, you heard me right. The movie’s antagonist was practically useless. Only with good prosthetic makeup on both him and the character of Sinestro are you really intrigued at looking at them.

Green Lantern features action that resembles that of a video game cinematic, save for maybe one or two fight scenes. And it’s juiciest visual effects lie in that of it’s alien landscapes and creature designs, which still have room to impress you. But at the end of the day, you’re still wishing that you could have gained more before the screen fades to black.


  1. Whoring out your name can be a positive thing--I remembered you from ConBravo and I thought I'd check you out.
    I like your reviews--you're clearly a talented writer and you are capable of being analytical. That being said, you need to get to the meat of the films issues. Don't be afraid to go a little more in-depth and make the article longer. As one writer to another, I know it can seem tempting to aim for shorter because you're worried that people won't read large blocks of text, and I agree, but you're not saying enough about the film. Use as many words as you need and no more--but use enough in the first place.
    Dig deeper and show us you have real insight into the medium, which I gather you do have.
    I'll be interested to see if you ever make the jump to film reviews.

  2. hey, thank you so much for the feedback, I really appreciate it. Yeah, I do a lot of self-publicity, lol. I'm definitely wanting to get more in-depth with my reviews, right now I'm still testing out what works out best and normally people do prefer the facts to be just laid out in front of them, but if people are wanting to see me really explore it with detail, I'm happy to give you guys that. If you're at all interested, I also do reviews on Youtube under RaginCanadianCritic (long story on the name change, but it'll say Cinema Simpleton on there)
