Monday, January 31, 2011

2012 Review

2012 isn't necessarily the end of the world, but more likely the end of good script writing. Directed by Roland Emmerich, the name behind such other disaster movies as The Day After Tomorrow and Godzilla, 2012 explores the long speculated theory that the Mayans believed the world would end in the year 2012. 

The story primarily revolves around the character of Jackson Curtis (John Cusack) and his estranged family, who are forced to fight with the rest of humanity against the collapsing of the Earths' crust and getting aboard one of the massive arks designed to preserve the survival of the species. 

The prize for the biggest impression in this film goes to its digital work, which with a lot of Emmerich's films, seems to evolve with the growing times. The rest of the film doesn't make as good an impact with what it delivers.

The script is as stereotypical as it comes, with weak dialogue and little that is creative. The characters and their fates are predictable by now compared to the other disaster movies that Emmerich has made. A dash of a protagonist with marital issues here, a pinch of a politician with little regard for the survival of others, a teaspoon of a loony bin conspiracy theorist and ta-da! You have yourself a disaster movie with the same forms of characters and struggles, but with your own choice of chaotic topping to give the audience something fresh. 

Throughout the entire length of the movie, it continuously suckled at the utter of tension, throwing more and more narrow escape scenes that should have killed the characters ages ago in any other reality. 

The story and the script that holds it together is the biggest flaw, though the music and action do remain something to be admired. In most cases, you can enjoy the suspense that this movie will give you, and maybe even shed a tear at a handful of performances, but you won't find much entertainment in terms of creativity or imagination.

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